Via Glooce

If the Real Housewives of New Jersey cast isn’t the biggest hypocrites on the planet then I don’t know who is! RHONJ star Melissa Gorga has bashed Teresa constantly for getting paid to be on magazine covers and thinks its ridiculous that Teresa would talk to magazines about her family but boy have things turned! Looks like Melissa Gorga has made a deal with Us weekly considering she’s on the cover with a sad puppy face saying she is done with Teresa!
Melissa accuses Teresa of being aware of the set-up and trying to unveil a past that Melissa is denying. In the magazine which hits stands later this week, Melissa also says she has proof that Teresa set her up and says she is done with her forever.
So which is it?! Is she done with her forever, or is she the one who will always take an apology and always try to mend things with family? Isn’t it bad to have stories in the tabloids talking trash about family and friends? Even if Teresa was the one at fault for EVERYTHING, you can’t deny the blatant hypocrisy going on here. It’s saddening to see the drama and separation that has happened to this family all because of reality TV cameras, producer set-ups, fame whoring, etc. Maybe this is why Teresa did not want her family to come on board for this mess.
Teresa Giudice Denies Involvement In Stripper-Gate!

RHONJ star Teresa Giudice took to her blog to talk about all the stripper drama and Posche Fashion Show:
I think you can see I was sincerely uncomfortable at this strange guy trying to talk to me about Melissa’s past. (We all know I’m no actress — that’s actually what finally got me fired from Celebrity Apprentice!) It was very weird because the guy Angelo didn’t really do anything terrible, he wasn’t rude or aggressive, so I couldn’t really say anything more than I did. I think he really did think I knew about her past — which I didn’t, I still don’t, and I, like the rest of America, don’t care! — and when he saw I was upset, he apologized right away. But I didn’t want anything to do with anyone talking about my family, so I left (and I was downstairs, not just around the corner! I couldn’t hear Angelo and Kim D. at all!). I even told Kim D. to shut the f— up! The whole situation just felt weird, so I took myself out of it. I can’t keep track of all the people Melissa has pissed off in our town, but I am not going to be a part of it.
The one thing that does still sadden and confuse me is why my cast members, especially my own family, were back then and still are so ready to believe I would “set Melissa up.” First of all, I don’t play like that. For better or worse, what you see with me is what you get. I don’t scheme and plot and try and twist people’s minds and opinions about things. I don’t bash people on Twitter, have my sisters and mothers and daughters pick fights with people on social media, I’m just not about that. You know who does that sort of thing. They always have and they always will. I yell and fight in person when I’m mad, but thankfully, that’s rare. The rest of the time, I parent, I work, I write, I cook… I’m busy, I’m happy, and I enjoy my life! I wish the other ‘Wives would spend half as much time taking care of their kids as they do getting into fights on Twitter. We’d all be so much better off, don’t you think?
Second, I have nothing to gain from exposing Melissa. She is my parent’s only daughter-in-law, she goes by our family name “Gorga.” Why would I want anything bad out there about a Gorga? She’s my only brother’s wife, the mother of my godson, and my daughter’s godmother. She may not have any family loyalty toward me, but I have it toward her and I always will.
By this point last year, everyone in the cast knew that Melissa had definitely been in contact with Danielle and told her private things (lies, actually) about my family to try and purposefully and publicly bring me down. And it worked, since because of Melissa, Danielle knew just which buttons to push at the Season 2 Reunion. I reacted, flipped out, and almost flipped Andy. A terrible day I wish never happened. Thank you, Melissa!
When I found out — by Danielle outing Melissa on WWHL, not by Melissa owning and admitting it — I forgave her. I truly don’t believe she would forgive me for something that evil, but I did forgive her. I didn’t wait for a year to see how I would look on TV to forgive her. I did it right away. Yes, I wanted my family to be whole that bad!
What I don’t understand is how Caroline and Jacqueline, who had their own family buttons pushed by Danielle, buttons that ended up in legal cases and drama with their children(!), think it’s no big deal that Melissa was working with Danielle this whole time. I didn’t get it, but OK… But then to pretend to be so disgusted and upset with a possible/fake/not really “set-up”? What? How screwed up are their priorities exactly?
I’m not gonna lie, I don’t really see what the big deal is here. Someone Melissa used to work with said “hi” to her at a fashion show and then left. I don’t know what his intentions were, if he thought it was funny, but seriously, big f—ing deal. She used to work at a bar, he worked there too, maybe she danced, maybe she wore a tank top, maybe she only stopped by to empty the trash on her way home from church. Who knows, but again, big deal. The Angelo guy didn’t say anything bad to her, wasn’t mean or violent, didn’t have secret pictures to leak to the press, wasn’t involved in a legal case with her… the whole thing was a big fat nothing. The entire scandal is that maybe Melissa danced? I’m sorry, but after all the hype, it doesn’t even look like a set-up to me, more like a let-down. I have to say it again: big f—ing deal. Who cares if Melissa danced? As long as she doesn’t plan on opening a car wash and recruiting my girls to work there, I don’t care.
The only thing that made any of this a big deal is the fact that Melissa freaked out, ran into the bathroom, and right away called my brother and said she’d been “set up.” What? You’ll see my face next week when everyone immediately jumps on the “Melissa was set up” train. I’m so confused. First, because I don’t think the big incident was really that big a deal. I didn’t like to hear it or be put in the middle of it in a creepy, unexpected way, but it was no ambush. (And I think I know ambush!) The guy said, “Hi, remember me?” and LEFT.
But conveniently the other Housewives, the ones with the matching blogs every week, came to the same exact conclusion right away: Teresa set Melissa up! What, what, and what? And again: what? It doesn’t make sense for me to do, they had absolutely no proof, the guy himself denied I had anything to do with it, but the truth doesn’t matter to them. They went on Twitter to talk about how they think I set Melissa up, they went to the press, and still, a year later, they’re singing the same sad song. This is actually one instance when I’m so glad the cameras were there for the whole thing, because you see what I see. But the worst part is my brother, who wasn’t there, doesn’t see it. He believed their crazy story right away, still believes it I guess, and we haven’t spoken for a year. In the end, who got what they wanted? Not me…
I know the other women think I’m so dumb (and yet a manipulating mastermind at the same time?), but I do get why they all have to blame me for everything. Because my name on their lips is the only way they ever get attention. “Can you give us a horrible quote about Teresa?” “Yes, but only if you mention my “Happy Ending” desserts/”advice” book/new song/makeup/restaurant/yummy water too!” If that’s the price they are willing to pay to take a bite out of the big ol’ pie or whatever Richie calls it, then have at it. I’m just going to keep moving forward, and moving up. And because of all of you and my beautiful family, I have so much to move on to! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Source: allabouttrh,, realitytvgifs

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